Health & Fitness coaching, Sports Acupuncture, weight loss, Micro needling. Encinitas
Health & Fitness coaching, Sports Acupuncture, weight loss, Micro needling. Encinitas
Are You Dealing with Pain from any of the below conditions?
We may be able to help if you have:
“Our bodies have tremendous healing power. And if we remove the blocks and charge up the system, our bodies heal themselves."
Give us a call (760) 587-3662 to see if we can help you Move better, look and feel your best
The ear is a microsystem of the entire body.
Ear seeds are a non-invasive, safe and effective tool used to stimulate nerve endings on this microsystem to create homeostasis (balance) in the body.
Ear Seeds consist of tiny seeds, beads or pellets that stick to the surface of your ear with tape.
The constant pressure an ear seed exerts is amplified by gently pressing it down for a few seconds, multiple times per day.
The stimulation of these points is called
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